Trevor’s Fishing Trip 9/30/00


Another chapter in the life and times Trevor Williams.

This big red fish almost pulled Trevor in the water.

Note the rod he is holding is a deep-sea rod.

Trevor said, “QUICK get the net. Ooh it’s a big one.

Dad I hope you are getting a picture of this.

Because Mom is not going to believe that I caught this big fish.”





We limited out only on the 4th cast.

The reason that it took 4 casts is because the line broke.

This only took 5 min.

Note this box is 3’-6” on the inside.


We had to put this one back. This was very hard for Trevor to do …..As we did with the many more.

We caught and release just like on those fishing Pro’s do on TV.

We stayed out there for about an hour…. Till Trevor was tired if catching fish…

Trevor said, “Daddy I’m tired of catching fish. Can we go home now?”

Imagine that…?




Later that night…


Dad when can we go fishing again…